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Astrum Homes Spring Lane Development image of stone home and wooden porch home, with blue front door


Existing use: Agricultural Land


Number of units: 6


GDV: £6,150,000


Proposal: Our proposal for this site included six stone and brick, executive detached homes, facing a newly created village green.

Particular care was taken during the design process to ensure we created a sympathetic scheme, taking into account the elevated parcel of land, located adjacent to a listed farmhouse.


We experienced challenges through the planning process relating to highways approval (due to the site being located off a single track), however we diligently worked through the concerns raised, to find a mutually agreeable solution with the local authority.


Being in a red zone for Great Crested Newts, we worked in partnership with Naturespace and our team of ecologists to ensure all consideration was taken to reduce any damage to habitats.


Providing community benefit is an important consideration in development. On this scheme, the new village green, with planted orchard of 30 fruit trees, benches and a footpath, joining the development to the high street alongside a new stone wall, will create a long-term asset for the village and enjoyment for new and existing residents alike.

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